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Clairvoyant Dragica

Solves your problems - love, marital, business!

Liječi bolesti, vraća zdravlje, rešava sve probleme i spaja rastavljene.

Ne čekajte! Pozovite odmah i saznajte kako da prekinete sve prepreke koje vam stoje na putu. Dragica uspešno radi na daljinu, vraća voljenu osobu i pomaže u svim životnim situacijama.

Dragica has already helped many. She works successfully remotely and reunites separated couples. Ask about work, love, health, home, and family.

Prekinite crnu magiju, vratite voljenu osobu i preokrenite svoj život! 💖

Otkrijte šta vas čeka u ljubavi, zdravlju, poslu i domu. Ne propustite priliku za promenu!


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"Nikad nisam vjerovala u gatanje,ali splet okolnosti me naveo da se javim gospođi Dragici. Oduševila me već na prvim rečenicama. Rekla mi je i više nego sam očekivala. Sad kad imam dilemu ili problem obavezno prvo kontaktiram gospodu Dragicu."
Ana Petrović (23.5.2024)
Marko Jovanović (14.6.2024)
"Hvala puno.. Predvideli ste mi buducnost. Najlepse u daljem radu."
Ivana Kovačević (8.7.2024)
"Draga gospođo svaka vam čast sve što ste rekli je istina. Mnogo ste mi pomogli. Puno vam hvala."
Goran Vuković (10.5.2024)

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Amina Hadžić

Amina Hadžić

Ivana Šolaja

Ivana Šolaja

Milan Petrović

Milan Petrović

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Peter Novák

Anna Fick

Anna Fick

Jelena Marković

Jelena Marković

Novi Sad

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Mar 21 - Apr 19


Apr 20 - May 20


May 21 - Jun 20


Jun 21 - Jul 22


Jul 23 - Aug 22


Aug 23 - Sep 22


Sep 23 - Oct 22


Oct 23 - Nov 21


Nov 22 - Dec 21


Dec 22 - Jan 19


Jan 20 - Feb 18


Feb 19 - Mar 20

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Mar 21 - Apr 19

You are in the midst of a brilliant annual transition, Aries. You have a lot of physical energy. Your mind is geared towards action and ready to face anything. The key to maximizing this fortunate period is communication. You currently have the ability to multitask, which you can use effectively by connecting with others and understanding exactly what needs to be done.



Apr 20 - May 20

Try not to get too tangled up in potential conflicts brewing around you, Taurus. Your task is to calm the situation and bring a practical perspective. If you dive into action without thinking about what you're doing, you could further complicate things. Step away from the fire instead of diving headfirst into it.


May 21 - Jun 20

This is a great time to make progress on a writing project, Gemini. Any major, long-term project involving communication, film, or long-distance travel calls for you to take action. Don't delay. You have a strong force pushing you forward. Look ahead with a positive attitude instead of dwelling on all the reasons why these projects might not succeed as you wish.


Jun 21 - Jul 22

This is a time of expansion for you. You can make significant progress towards your goals, Cancer. The key is to clear up any misunderstandings or insincerities before moving forward with a clear conscience. Don't even attempt to progress before clearing away past cobwebs. Keeping everything on a gentle, flexible path will help you work more efficiently.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Your engine is running and ready, Leo. You have a full tank of fuel. Unfortunately, you may feel there's a significant obstacle in your path. Perhaps that obstacle is your mental state and your inability to make confident decisions. Sometimes, you can become so scattered that you can't efficiently move forward in anything. Don't criticize yourself too much for it. Answers will come when you need them.



Aug 23 - Sep 22

Nobody likes rejection, but nobody handles rejection less than you, Virgo. You may hesitate to take risks into the unknown. Keep in mind that by playing it safe, you're depriving yourself of the adventure that could turn your life around. There's an energetic, expansive feeling in the air urging you to take that leap of faith. This energy may feel unfamiliar to you, but it's time to embrace it.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Be flexible in your communication, Libra, and doors you didn't even know existed will open for you. You have a tremendous amount of physical energy at your disposal. Don't waste it. If you remain rigid in your methods and insist on doing things only according to your philosophy, you'll deprive yourself of spontaneous adventures that add spice to life and the variety you cherish.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

You may find yourself in a tough situation, Scorpio. You want to explode into a new way of living, but you feel stuck. Perhaps you feel tied to your current routine. Maybe you feel like you're truly progressing in the world, but you crave a major breakthrough - like escaping a trap - that allows you to leap into a vast unknown space. Those doors are always open.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

You're receiving support and confidence from one aspect of your life and physical energy from another. Although these two areas may conflict, Sagittarius, you have the ability to take positive aspects from both and merge them to create something new or solve a problem. Unify your resources and shift into a higher gear. The sky's the limit.


Dec 22 - Jan 19

Success will come when you work with the energies available to you. Go with the flow of the situation instead of trying to undermine or manipulate it. There is immense power at play. It may just need a little direction to align with your goals. Be open about your intentions instead of working behind the scenes. When you do so, you'll gain support from others.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

You may find yourself engaging in some debates, Aquarius. Your nature is expansive and generous, but when others take advantage of this good nature, your mood quickly turns into anger and withdrawal. Conflict is often a natural part of relationships. Use it as a learning experience rather than exaggerating it and turning it into a bigger issue than it needs to be.



Feb 19 - Mar 20

You might be feeling confused about whether to seek help, Pisces. Your usual resources may be occupied with issues and conflicts unrelated to you. You might then offer help to others, putting their needs above your own. While this may feel satisfying in some ways, it's also a way to avoid the problems you need to confront.